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Still using a shovel? It's time for a high-tech upgrade
Snow covers the roads and snow removal becomes the most important task throughout the winter season, and for most it turns into torment and huge financial costs.
But we have heard your prayers and launched a lifeguard for residents of snow-covered regions and not only! Meet another of our innovative developments – the VENOM SANDY snowplow robot, with a hopper for sprinkling.
Robocar is designed to cope with the most difficult tasks that nature can throw at you. This powerful machine can work its way through deep layers of accumulated snow. An electric car can work in strong winds and low temperatures. SANDY acquired his superpowers thanks to 2 engines with a capacity of 750 watts each, a 63-ampere battery and a reliable dump.
The robot will be especially useful both for people living in private houses and for commercial companies engaged in snow removal and not only. SANDY is able to clear huge areas and simultaneously sprinkle them with sand or special reagents. And thanks to intuitive and easy control, the all-terrain vehicle is able to maneuver around obstacles and overcome narrow spaces. All these functions make it indispensable for the needs of the urban environment.
It's time to throw the shovel aside! You no longer need to spend a lot of time and effort, injure your back or resort to the work of janitors. One robot, one investment - and 10,000 solved problems and tasks! With the advent of the SANDY robot, the cleaning process will become safer, faster and more efficient. This machine is an indispensable tool that will provide maximum health benefits compared to other similar devices.
So, take the joystick in your hands, sit back, relax and enjoy the evolution in the world of snow removal. Do not doubt, VENOM SANDY will find something to surprise you with.
Certified and tested products
All products produced are fully certified and tested in laboratory conditions.